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- September 15, 2021 at 4:52 pm
1. No discussion of any illegal activities
The Bro Collective does not intend for any of the information contained on this website to be used for illegal purposes. You must ensure you meet all age and other regulatory requirements before entering a casino or placing a wager. Online gambling is illegal in many jurisdictions and users should consult legal counsel regarding the legal status of online gambling and gaming in their jurisdictions. The information on this site is for news and entertainment purposes only.
2. No flaming, use of explicit, vulgar, racist language or images
Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, belittlement or abuse is strictly prohibited. Material that is sexually or otherwise obscene, racist, or overly discriminatory is not permitted on these forums. This includes user pictures. Use common sense while posting.
3. No posts that attack, insult, abuse members or non-members
Respect other members of the community and don’t belittle, make fun of, or insult another member or non-member. Agree to disagree. This applies to both the forums and any other comments posted on MalariaWorld by guests or members.
4. Absolutely no spam, advertising links, etc.
Our forum defines spam as an unsolicited advertisement for goods, services and/or other websites. This includes any post with little or completely unrelated content. Avoid spamming the forum thread with links to your site or product, or try to self-promote your website, business or forums, etc. Also, spamming includes sending private messages to a large number of different users.
5. No multiple accounts or registering an account fraudulently
Please register and use only one username for the forums. Posting under multiple user accounts will result in banning. Fraudulent accounts are defined as accounts created specifically to flame others (hiding behind a mask of anonymity), or accounts opened primarily to spam the board, act as shills, trolls, sock puppets, or any other antisocial behavior.
6. No offline personal contact information
Please respect other people’s privacy. In the public forum, do not post real names, email addresses, or other personal identifiers that may be considered privileged information; to include company “trade secrets”, screenshots of company information, etc. If these items are already publicly available, this shouldn’t be a problem. But if these are from private correspondence, or from some user database, discretion is advised.
1. Before starting a new topic, please check if there is already a topic open on the subject. If so, contribute to it there.
Before you create a topic, sift through the threads and see if such a topic has already been created. If you have something to add, then contribute by writing in it as duplicate topics will be deleted. Use the search bar option to find your topic.
2. Don’t engage, report if someone is breaking the rules
Do not post a complaint without notifying the moderators. Ensure your complaint is free from offensive or abusive language, and that the complaint is tactful and truthful. Making false claims are grounds for banishment or drawing and quartering.
3. Be Civil, no name-calling, personal attacks, etc.
Members who threaten or abuse users, casino representatives or moderators will be booted from the forum. This goes for anywhere off-site. Act like an a-hole – get treated like one.
4. Please use English
Although we encourage hosting an international crowd, please stick to using the English language. The posts written with a different language between the partitions will be deleted.
5. Stick to the topic at hand
If you have something to say – say it, but please respect the other members by keeping threads “on track”. If you have an issue that needs addressing, then please start another thread. Frequently hijacking threads for your own agenda is not only rude, it’s troll-like and can lead to account suspension.
6. When creating a new topic, please be precise, use a descriptive topic name and choose the appropriate forum
If you ask a question in the topic – put a straight answer in the first post – the beginning of the topic. If you add a separate post, it will be combined with your first post. Topics that do not make sense or are completely unrelated to online gambling will be deleted.
Moderator rules
Bro Collective forums are moderated by the editorial team in consultation with an expert committee. While they may not have answers to all your questions, moderators are here to help in any way they can. Moderators reserve the right to edit or delete posts that violate the rules listed above without prior notice. They are also responsible for promoting participation in the forums and online contributions and comments by members.
You can spot a moderator because their posts contain a special tag. We are always looking for new moderators to help with the multitude of topics in the field of online casinos and gambling. If you feel you can contribute, let us know.
Each moderator may see things through slightly different eyes and some variance is to be expected. However, our moderators strive to base their decision making on the content of posts rather than personal feelings about the person posting them.
If you have a question for a moderator, you can email them and discuss it privately. Even if they may not see things the same way you do, they are obliged to be open and approachable.
- Replies
- September 27, 2021 at 9:34 am
Now, let’s all try and get along!00
Tagged: Rules
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